Your Ultimate Guide to Python String Find()

This tutorial explains the Python string find() method that searches a substring and returns the index of its first occurrence. If not successful, then it returns the status as (-1). Let's try to understand its usage with the help of simple examples. 1. Find() syntax2. Find() with default values3. Find() with multiple occurrences of substrings4. Find() when no substrings exist5.…

Meenakshi Agarwal

MySQL UPPER() and UCASE() Functions

This tutorial explains MySQL UPPER()/UCASE() functions which convert the lowercase characters of a string to uppercase. We'll describe the functioning of this method with the help of simple examples. 1. UPPER()/UCASE() Syntax2. UPPER()/UCASE() to convert text to upper case3. UPPER()/UCASE() on table data4. UPPER()/UCASE() on binary text Let's now go through each of the sections one by one. MySQL UPPER()/UCASE()…

Meenakshi Agarwal

Python vs C++ – Is Python or C++ Better?

Python and C++ are both powerful programming languages, but they cater to different needs and come with distinct features. Deciding which language is better depends on various factors, including the nature of the project, performance requirements, ease of development, and personal preferences. In this tutorial, we will explore different aspects of Python and C++ to help readers make informed decisions…

Meenakshi Agarwal
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